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Проблемы с переносом баз

ERROR 1118 (42000): Row size too large (> 8126). Changing some columns to TEXT or BLOB may help. In current row format, BLOB prefix of 0 bytes is stored inline

sed -i 's#ENGINE=InnoDB#ENGINE=InnoDB ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC#g' dump.sql

ERROR 1416 (22003) at line 801: Cannot get geometry object from data you send to the GEOMETRY field

Где-то есть таблица с пустым геометрическим полем. Заполни его какими-нибудь координатами, 0,0,0 например

ERROR 1449 (HY000) at line 4012: The user specified as a definer ('asdf'@'localhost') does not exist

sed -i 's/\/\*!50013 DEFINER=`asdf`@`localhost` SQL SECURITY DEFINER \*\///g' dump.sql

ERROR 1071 (42000) at line 874: Specified key was too long; max key length is 255 bytes

sed -i 's/tinytext/VARCHAR(255)/g'