Если будешь ставить через cephadm, то качай версию pacific, почему-то более новые не работают.
Удобный установщик: https://git.lulzette.ru/lulzette/ceph-installer
- osd: хранение данных
- mon: условно, controlplane, управляет данными, балансирует данные, управляет кворумом, метаданные тоже тут
- mgr: These include the Ceph Dashboard and the cephadm manager module, фигня на питоне которая дает дашборд, прометеус, restful api и всякую такую некритичную для работы кластера фигню
Как организовано хранение?
- Хосты с ролью OSD
- OSDшки (абстракция на уровне Ceph'а): 1 OSD на 1 Диск хоста, т.е. 10 дисков - 10 OSD на одном хосте
- PG (Placement Group): Группа размещения, т.е. на каких OSD размещать объекты Ceph'а (не путать с объектом на уровне S3/swift/rgw). Также есть Карта OSD, которая ассоциирована с PG, в ней указана одна Primary OSD и одна или несколько Replica OSD. Вся работа происходит с Primary OSD, а синк данных на реплики идет асинхронно.
Куда файлы засовывать?
Есть 3 разных хранилища (?):
- cephfs
- RBD (Rados Block Device)
- S3/Swift который предоставляется Rados Gateway
- Rados/librados - библиотека для твоего приложения которая может общаться с радосом минуя промежуточные RBD/S3/Swift
- Рассинхронизация времени на хоста
- See also:
Поднять MDS - сервер метаданных
Вообще достаточно просто
# mon
ceph fs volume create cephfs
root@microceph:~# ceph config generate-minimal-conf
# minimal ceph.conf for 56db00e1-912c-4ac1-9d1a-1f4194c55834
fsid = 56db00e1-912c-4ac1-9d1a-1f4194c55834
mon_host = [v2:,v1:]
root@microceph:~# ceph fs authorize cephfs client.foo / rw
key = AQCGVs5lyBLmIxAApqSed51BlHOvQlyawvG2Uw==
# client
# может показаться что все что ниже, кроме команды монтирования, не имеет смысла, но не
root@test0:~# mkdir /etc/ceph
root@test0:~# vim /etc/ceph/ceph.conf
root@test0:~# vim /etc/ceph/ceph.client.foo.keyring
root@test0:~# chmod 644 /etc/ceph/ceph.conf
root@test0:~# chmod 600 /etc/ceph/ceph.client.foo.keyring
root@test0:~# mount -t ceph /mnt/mycephfs -o secret=AQCGVs5lyBLmIxAApqSed51BlHOvQlyawvG2Uw== -o name=foo
# fstab: /mnt/cephfs ceph name=foo,secret=AQCGVs5lyBLmIxAApqSed51BlHOvQlyawvG2Uw==,noatime,_netdev 0 2
+ k8s
Нам понадобится ключ для доступа к cephfs (а так же к пулу, здесь я указал админского юзера, но можно самому создать, грамотно выделив права), закинуть в наш куб CSI (Container Storage Interface) с указанными параметрами, storageclass с секретом и хранилкой можно пользоваться.
# в этом подтоме будут ФСки кластеров
root@microceph:~# ceph fs subvolumegroup create cephfs csi
root@node1:~/cephfs# snap install helm --classic
helm 3.14.1 from Snapcrafters✪ installed
root@node1:~/cephfs# helm repo add ceph-csi https://ceph.github.io/csi-charts
"ceph-csi" has been added to your repositories
root@node1:~/cephfs# helm inspect values ceph-csi/ceph-csi-cephfs > cephfs.yml
valuesы у хельм чарта:
# Specifies whether RBAC resources should be created
create: true
# Specifies whether a ServiceAccount should be created
create: true
# The name of the ServiceAccount to use.
# If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the fullname
# Specifies whether a ServiceAccount should be created
create: true
# The name of the ServiceAccount to use.
# If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the fullname
# Configuration for the CSI to connect to the cluster
# Ref: https://github.com/ceph/ceph-csi/blob/devel/examples/README.md
# Example:
- clusterID: "56db00e1-912c-4ac1-9d1a-1f4194c55834"
- ""
# cephFS:
# subvolumeGroup: "csi"
# netNamespaceFilePath: "{{ .kubeletDir }}/plugins/{{ .driverName }}/net"
#csiConfig: []
# Labels to apply to all resources
commonLabels: {}
# Set logging level for csi containers.
# Supported values from 0 to 5. 0 for general useful logs,
# 5 for trace level verbosity.
# logLevel is the variable for CSI driver containers's log level
logLevel: 5
# sidecarLogLevel is the variable for Kubernetes sidecar container's log level
sidecarLogLevel: 1
name: nodeplugin
# if you are using ceph-fuse client set this value to OnDelete
updateStrategy: RollingUpdate
enabled: true
# set user created priorityclassName for csi plugin pods. default is
# system-node-critical which is highest priority
priorityClassName: system-node-critical
# Metrics only available for cephcsi/cephcsi => 1.2.0
# Specifies whether http metrics should be exposed
enabled: true
# The port of the container to expose the metrics
containerPort: 8091
# Specifies whether a service should be created for the metrics
enabled: true
# The port to use for the service
servicePort: 8080
type: ClusterIP
# Annotations for the service
# Example:
# annotations:
# prometheus.io/scrape: "true"
# prometheus.io/port: "9080"
annotations: {}
clusterIP: ""
## List of IP addresses at which the stats-exporter service is available
## Ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/services/#external-ips
externalIPs: []
loadBalancerIP: ""
loadBalancerSourceRanges: []
## Reference to one or more secrets to be used when pulling images
imagePullSecrets: []
# - name: "image-pull-secret"
enabled: false
repository: registry.k8s.io/sig-storage/csi-node-driver-registrar
tag: v2.9.1
pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
resources: {}
repository: quay.io/cephcsi/cephcsi
tag: v3.10.2
pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
resources: {}
nodeSelector: {}
tolerations: []
affinity: {}
# Set to true to enable Ceph Kernel clients
# on kernel < 4.17 which support quotas
# forcecephkernelclient: true
# common mount options to apply all mounting
# example: kernelmountoptions: "recover_session=clean"
kernelmountoptions: ""
fusemountoptions: ""
name: provisioner
replicaCount: 1
enabled: true
# RollingUpdate strategy replaces old pods with new ones gradually,
# without incurring downtime.
type: RollingUpdate
# maxUnavailable is the maximum number of pods that can be
# unavailable during the update process.
maxUnavailable: 50%
# Timeout for waiting for creation or deletion of a volume
timeout: 60s
# cluster name to set on the subvolume
# clustername: "k8s-cluster-1"
# set user created priorityclassName for csi provisioner pods. default is
# system-cluster-critical which is less priority than system-node-critical
priorityClassName: system-cluster-critical
# enable hostnetwork for provisioner pod. default is false
# useful for deployments where the podNetwork has no access to ceph
enableHostNetwork: false
# Metrics only available for cephcsi/cephcsi => 1.2.0
# Specifies whether http metrics should be exposed
enabled: true
# The port of the container to expose the metrics
containerPort: 8081
# Specifies whether a service should be created for the metrics
enabled: true
# The port to use for the service
servicePort: 8080
type: ClusterIP
# Annotations for the service
# Example:
# annotations:
# prometheus.io/scrape: "true"
# prometheus.io/port: "9080"
annotations: {}
clusterIP: ""
## List of IP addresses at which the stats-exporter service is available
## Ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/services/#external-ips
externalIPs: []
loadBalancerIP: ""
loadBalancerSourceRanges: []
## Reference to one or more secrets to be used when pulling images
imagePullSecrets: []
# - name: "image-pull-secret"
enabled: false
repository: registry.k8s.io/sig-storage/csi-provisioner
tag: v3.6.2
pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
resources: {}
## For further options, check
## https://github.com/kubernetes-csi/external-provisioner#command-line-options
extraArgs: []
# set metadata on volume
setmetadata: true
name: resizer
enabled: true
repository: registry.k8s.io/sig-storage/csi-resizer
tag: v1.9.2
pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
resources: {}
## For further options, check
## https://github.com/kubernetes-csi/external-resizer#recommended-optional-arguments
extraArgs: []
repository: registry.k8s.io/sig-storage/csi-snapshotter
tag: v6.3.2
pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
resources: {}
## For further options, check
## https://github.com/kubernetes-csi/external-snapshotter#csi-external-snapshotter-sidecar-command-line-options
extraArgs: []
nodeSelector: {}
tolerations: []
affinity: {}
# readAffinity:
# Enable read affinity for CephFS subvolumes. Recommended to
# set to true if running kernel 5.8 or newer.
# enabled: false
# Define which node labels to use as CRUSH location.
# This should correspond to the values set in the CRUSH map.
# NOTE: the value here serves as an example
# crushLocationLabels:
# - topology.kubernetes.io/region
# - topology.kubernetes.io/zone
# Mount the host /etc/selinux inside pods to support
# selinux-enabled filesystems
selinuxMount: true
# Specifies whether the Storage class should be created
create: true
name: csi-cephfs-sc
# Annotations for the storage class
# Example:
# annotations:
# storageclass.kubernetes.io/is-default-class: "true"
annotations: {}
# String representing a Ceph cluster to provision storage from.
# Should be unique across all Ceph clusters in use for provisioning,
# cannot be greater than 36 bytes in length, and should remain immutable for
# the lifetime of the StorageClass in use.
clusterID: 56db00e1-912c-4ac1-9d1a-1f4194c55834
# (required) CephFS filesystem name into which the volume shall be created
# eg: fsName: myfs
fsName: cephfs
# (optional) Ceph pool into which volume data shall be stored
# pool: <cephfs-data-pool>
# For eg:
# pool: "replicapool"
pool: "cephfs.cephfs.data"
# (optional) Comma separated string of Ceph-fuse mount options.
# For eg:
# fuseMountOptions: debug
fuseMountOptions: ""
# (optional) Comma separated string of Cephfs kernel mount options.
# Check man mount.ceph for mount options. For eg:
# kernelMountOptions: readdir_max_bytes=1048576,norbytes
kernelMountOptions: ""
# (optional) The driver can use either ceph-fuse (fuse) or
# ceph kernelclient (kernel).
# If omitted, default volume mounter will be used - this is
# determined by probing for ceph-fuse and mount.ceph
# mounter: kernel
mounter: ""
# (optional) Prefix to use for naming subvolumes.
# If omitted, defaults to "csi-vol-".
# volumeNamePrefix: "foo-bar-"
volumeNamePrefix: ""
# The secrets have to contain user and/or Ceph admin credentials.
provisionerSecret: csi-cephfs-secret
# If the Namespaces are not specified, the secrets are assumed to
# be in the Release namespace.
provisionerSecretNamespace: ""
controllerExpandSecret: csi-cephfs-secret
controllerExpandSecretNamespace: ""
nodeStageSecret: csi-cephfs-secret
nodeStageSecretNamespace: ""
reclaimPolicy: Delete
allowVolumeExpansion: true
mountOptions: []
# Mount Options
# Example:
# mountOptions:
# - discard
# Specifies whether the secret should be created
create: true
name: csi-cephfs-secret
annotations: {}
# Key values correspond to a user name and its key, as defined in the
# ceph cluster. User ID should have required access to the 'pool'
# specified in the storage class
adminID: admin
adminKey: AQDpPctl9T9ZHhAAktyT6vNlGkSE3/rfqnkxKA==
# This is a sample configmap that helps define a Ceph configuration as required
# by the CSI plugins.
# Sample ceph.conf available at
# https://github.com/ceph/ceph/blob/master/src/sample.ceph.conf Detailed
# documentation is available at
# https://docs.ceph.com/en/latest/rados/configuration/ceph-conf/
cephconf: |
auth_cluster_required = cephx
auth_service_required = cephx
auth_client_required = cephx
# ceph-fuse which uses libfuse2 by default has write buffer size of 2KiB
# adding 'fuse_big_writes = true' option by default to override this limit
# see https://github.com/ceph/ceph-csi/issues/1928
fuse_big_writes = true
# Array of extra objects to deploy with the release
extraDeploy: []
# Variables for 'internal' use please use with caution! #
# The filename of the provisioner socket
provisionerSocketFile: csi-provisioner.sock
# The filename of the plugin socket
pluginSocketFile: csi.sock
# kubelet working directory,can be set using `--root-dir` when starting kubelet.
kubeletDir: /var/lib/kubelet
# Name of the csi-driver
driverName: cephfs.csi.ceph.com
# Name of the configmap used for state
configMapName: ceph-csi-config
# Key to use in the Configmap if not config.json
# configMapKey:
# Use an externally provided configmap
externallyManagedConfigmap: false
# Name of the configmap used for ceph.conf
cephConfConfigMapName: ceph-config
root@node1:~/cephfs# helm upgrade -i ceph-csi-cephfs ceph-csi/ceph-csi-cephfs -f cephfs.yml -n ceph-csi-cephfs --create-namespace
Release "ceph-csi-cephfs" does not exist. Installing it now.
NAME: ceph-csi-cephfs
LAST DEPLOYED: Thu Feb 15 18:58:51 2024
NAMESPACE: ceph-csi-cephfs
STATUS: deployed
Examples on how to configure a storage class and start using the driver are here:
#### test
root@node1:~/cephfs# kubectl apply -f cephfs-claim.yml
persistentvolumeclaim/gimme-pvc created
# ура!
root@node1:~/cephfs# kubectl get pvc
gimme-pvc Bound pvc-5d0a4e00-1ace-4b1f-83b8-900340e63999 1Gi RWX csi-cephfs-sc <unset> 2s
root@node1:~/cephfs# cat cephfs-claim.yml
apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
name: gimme-pvc
- ReadWriteMany
storage: 1Gi
storageClassName: csi-cephfs-sc
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